Embracing Skills-First Hiring: OneTen Featured in Forbes

The future of Skills-First Hiring
skills-first hiring

We are thrilled to share that OneTen has been featured in a recent Forbes article Is Skills-First Hiring Set To Be The Future? The article highlights the benefits—and inevitability—of the skills-first movement. Data shows that 77% of hiring managers surveyed report having a difficult time finding qualified candidates. However, those who adopt skills-first are 2X as likely to find qualified and motivated candidates. This insightful piece delves into the growing trend of skills-first hiring and highlights OneTen's pivotal role in championing this innovative approach to talent acquisition.

Skills-First Hiring: A New Paradigm in Recruitment

For years, the traditional recruitment process has heavily relied on resumes and educational qualifications. However, the article points out a significant shift towards skills-first hiring practices, where employers focus on specific skills demonstrated by candidates rather than their academic backgrounds. This approach not only broadens the talent pool but also fosters diversity and inclusion in the workplace.

The Impact of Skills-Based Hiring Strategies

The Deloitte Insights report cited in the Forbes article reveals that organizations adopting skills-first recruitment practices are significantly more likely to place talent effectively and retain high performers. This aligns with OneTen’s mission to hire, promote and advance skilled talent who do not have a four-year degree into family-sustaining careers over the next ten years in an effort to close the opportunity gap in America.

Transforming Job Descriptions and Talent Acquisition

The article also discusses how companies are rewriting job descriptions to emphasize skills over degrees, a practice that OneTen actively supports by providing practice change assistance to its OneTen Coalition Members. By focusing on skills-based talent sourcing and removing degree requirements, employers can tap into a more diverse and capable workforce. This strategy is particularly effective in identifying the best candidates through comprehensive candidate assessments.

Join the Movement

As we continue to advocate for skills-based hiring practices, we encourage employers to explore how adopting these methods can enhance their talent acquisition strategies and drive employee retention. To learn more about how OneTen is leading the charge in skills-first recruitment, and how we can help your company create a plan for skills-first practice change, visit our Hire Skills for Higher Returns page.

Read the full Forbes article here and join us in redefining the future of work through skills-first hiring.

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