co workers laughing together in the office on break at their cubicle.

Our Approach

We're changing the way America hires to advance skilled talent without four-year degrees at every stage of their career.

What We Do

We create skills-first strategies and solutions that help companies build—and retain—a winning workforce.

How We Do It

Practice Change

We work with companies to remove the four-year degree barrier and provide expertise and strategic guidance to accelerate inclusive, skills-first practices in hiring and promotion.

Human Capital Management

We provide upskilling and retention strategies to drive talent performance and advancement. We leverage an unparalleled network of partners, talent developers and our career platform through which talent without four-year degrees can enter and connect to a family-sustaining career.

Ecosystem Building

We engage employers, talent and community development organizations in local markets to help ensure the right conditions exist to support the entire career journey for diverse talent.

Gerald Chertavian - Founder and CEO, Year Up

Arvind Krishna

Chairman and CEO of IBM

By prioritizing skills over degrees, companies can create greater access to an expanded talent pipeline. OneTen is playing a critical role in promoting a skills-first approach to talent management, which will make a real impact in the long-term.